
Welcome, Luther Prep Alumni!
Welcome to our Alumni page, for all graduates of Luther Prep and its predecessor schools:
  • Northwestern Preparatory School
  • Martin Luther Preparatory School
  • Northwestern Lutheran Academy
  • Martin Luther Academy
  • Dr. Martin Luther High School

The rich histories of our predecessor schools make up the family tree of Luther Prep and we are grateful for generations of Christian education, and particularly schools that encourage public ministry.

Stay Connected!

We are excited to see and hear from you! Let us know if you’re in town and want to stop by for a visit! Keep us updated with your current contact information, career and family by using the form below.

Keep up with Prep news with us by joining our email list for e-news and follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Look for announcements on alumni events through these channels!

If you are interested in organizing a class reunion, please let us know! We have contact information for your classmates and spaces available to use on campus.

For more information or questions, contact Nicole Bessert, director of Mission Advancement.