Get Connected with Luther Prep!

get connected
Luther Prep’s recruitment office has an active mailing program for students in grades 2-8. We mail out a few messages each year with the following goals:
  1. To connect with prospective students and their families
  2. To provide information about Luther Prep
  3. To encourage students to attend Luther Prep
  4. Most importantly, to encourage students to consider becoming a pastor, teacher, or staff minister
Please partner with us by adding students to our mailing list.
To add individual students, use the online form below.

To add multiple students, we recommend downloading the Excel template and submitting it using the Submit form. A printed form is also available as a pdf that can be downloaded and submitted/mailed in. Besides the student’s name and address, it is critical to know the current grade and parent email.

Any questions, please contact Krista Mittelstadt, Recruitment Office, at [email protected]

Prospect Mailing List

Use the online form below to submit individual students or groups of students via excel or pdf on the other methods below.