Bus for Break - Christmas

Return Bus from Tomah - Jan 8th
Our first bus trip to and from Tomah for Thanksgiving break turned out to be a great success. We would like to keep offering this opportunity for our families who live in that direction for major breaks. The next break that we are looking at is Christmas break. Because many parents have told us that they would like to come for the Christmas concert on Thursday morning, we will NOT be offering a ride to Tomah on Thursday, December 21. We will be offering a ride FROM Tomah on Monday, January 8th. The bus will pick students up at St. Paul's in Tomah on Monday, January 8 at 3:30 p.m. and arrive back at Luther Prep around 5:30 p.m. (We made the time change so that students could be back in time to eat supper in the cafeteria which is open from 5-6 p.m.) Cost would be $15 for one way service from Tomah. This cost would simply be charged to your account with the business office. At this cost, we would need 40 students to recoup the complete costs of the trip. Luther Prep is willing to subsidize this cost as a service to our families. To avoid too great of a cost to Luther Prep, we will need at least 12 students to make this trip possible.
If you are interested in having your student participate in this service, please fill out the form below by Friday, December 15.
Any questions can be directed to Dean Vann at [email protected].
Here is the link for the Google Form: https://forms.gle/nZdXy59TCizHP1JJ7
Pastor Charlie Vannieuwenhoven
Dean of Students
Luther Preparatory School
1300 Western Ave
Watertown, WI 53094
Cell:  813-787-4854