LPS Fall Appeal


October 2021



Annual Fall Appeal Letter


Come with Confidence

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ…. Friends of Luther Prep,


Let us then approach God’s throne of grace with confidence (Hebrews 4:16). Really? Me? On the face of that passage it’s as though I need to deny a reality I certainly know about myself and the God to whom I pray: I am a sinner; He is holy! How can an unworthy sinner dare to even approach God with a thought that he would pay attention in any way to me? And yet he implores me to come with confidence????


Indeed he does! He wants us to be like Jacob who wrestled with God throughout the night and then demanded a blessing from God: “I will not let you go unless you bless me” (Genesis 32:26). The verse preceding approaching God’s throne of grace with confidence gives us the clear and only reason for bold prayers: For we do not have a high priest (Jesus) who is unable to empathize with our weaknesses, but we have one who has been tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin (Hebrews 4:15).


Dear Christians, clothed in the righteousness of Christ, continue to storm the throne of God’s grace with boldness and confidence.


At the WELS synod convention held on Prep’s campus this past summer the synod endorsed the Board for Home Missions’ plan to plant 100 new missions over the next ten years. That is an ambitious plan. Currently we are opening at least five new missions each year. On account of the gospel and for the sake of the gospel, we will be bold in our prayers for more gospel outreach work.


Which brings me to Luther Prep. Last year’s graduating class saw almost 50% of the boy graduates continuing at MLC in the pastor track. Other boy graduates and many more girl graduates entered the teacher track at MLC. Thank you Jesus.

From God, through you

Clearly seeing the number of called worker vacancies in our church body, fervently desiring to proclaim the gospel of salvation throughout the world, humbly and boldly asking the Lord of the Harvest to provide more workers in his field, and knowing that the Lord provides for Luther Prep through his people, we ask you to consider a gift to Luther Prep.


A note from a parent this past year: “Dear Luther Prep. You know that there was no way (my child) was going to be able to enroll at Prep this year. Thank you! Your truly amazing award of financial aid has made this possible. Please know that it is my prayer and (my child’s) goal to become a pastor someday.”


The parent who wrote that understands that the gift wasn’t from Luther Prep. It was from God through you.


On behalf of the thousands of parents who have received financial aid gifts from Luther Prep—God through you—we say, “Thank you!” God has blessed your rich generosity. We boldly and confidently pray that he continues to bless your gifts for the sake of the gospel and future gospel proclaimers.

Blessings continued...

Luther Prep already has $500,000 in gifts for the building of a New Music Center to take the place of the original 1912 Auditorium. The 1912 Auditorium will be repurposed as a much needed second gymnasium, which was its original use. Luther Prep is seeking approval from the synod to build a Music Center on our synod’s Watertown campus (LPS) after the gathering of gifts. More updates will follow. Gifts for the Music Center are being accepted.

Click here to share your gift:

Give a $10, $25, $50 or other amount gift to our

Financial Aid Fund, New Music Center Fund or both. 

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