Foreign Language
The purpose of the foreign language department is to acquaint the students with the vocabulary, forms and structure of a foreign language to prepare them for future study in foreign languages and to aid the students in attaining language skills which will facilitate communication of the Word to sinful mankind. The students learn also the thoughts and cultures of countries and civilizations other than those of the United States.
The students are given that working knowledge of languages in which the theological literature of the Church has been or will need to be produced.
German 1
This course will become an introduction to the German language and culture. Basic language skills in vocabulary and grammar will be at the heart of this course. Our God in His wisdom has provided language for communication so that information may be shared among his children and others. We will embark on the first step to obtaining, over a three year offering, skills useful in this form of communication.
Course Objectives:
Our students will seek to become proficient in four base skills of speaking, listening, reading, and writing in the target language of German. In obtaining these skills the student will be schooled in the organized principle of 5 interconnected C’s: Communication, Cultures, Connections, Comparisons, and Communities as outlined by the National Standards for the German Language.
German 2
The German 2 course will equip students with a working knowledge of German in order to access the centuries of biblical, confessional, Lutheran writings recorded for us in German. With that knowledge, young men and women will be better prepared and encouraged for the full time ministry in the WELS.
Course Objectives
Successful completion of this course means that you should be able to accomplish most of these skills in German:
- Interpersonal Communication: I can communicate and exchange information about familiar topics using phrases and simple sentences, sometimes supported by memorized language. I can usually handle short social interactions in everyday situations by asking and answering simple questions.
- Presentational Speaking: I can present basic information on familiar topics using language I have practiced using phrases and simple sentences.
- Presentational Writing: I can write short messages and notes on familiar topics related to everyday life.
- Interpretative Listening: I can often understand words, phrases, and simple sentences related to everyday life. I can recognize pieces of information and sometimes understand the main topic of what is being said.
- Interpretative Reading: I can understand familiar words, phrases, and sentences within short and simple texts related to everyday life. I can sometimes understand the main idea of what I have read.
German 3
The German 3 course will equip students with a working knowledge of German in order to access the centuries of biblical, confessional, Lutheran writings recorded for us in German. With that knowledge, young men and women will be better prepared and encouraged for the full time ministry in the WELS.
Course Objectives
Successful completion of this course means that one should be able to accomplish most of these skills in German:
- Interpersonal Communication: I can participate in conversations on a number of familiar topics using simple sentences. I can handle short social interactions in everyday situations by asking and answering simple question.
- Presentational Speaking: I can present information on most familiar topics using a series of simple sentences.
- Presentational Writing: I can write briefly about most familiar topics and present information using a series of simple sentences.
- Interpretative Listening: I can write briefly about most familiar topics and present information using a series of simple sentences.
- Interpretative Reading: I can understand the main idea of short and simple texts when the topic is familiar.
Theological German
The Theological German course will equip students with a working knowledge of German in order to access the centuries of biblical, confessional, Lutheran writings recorded for us in German. With that knowledge, young men and women will be better prepared and encouraged for the full time ministry in the WELS.
Course Objectives
Successful completion of this course means:
● Am Anfang - Preparation for the task at hand:
- We will make a quick review of important points of grammar that are necessary for the reading of theological German, e.g. the subjunctive, the passive voice, relative clauses if necessary.
- Theologisches Wörterbuch - you will want to master its contents as soon as possible; such mastery will save you endless hours of looking up words that constantly occur in theological literature.
● Zum Ziel: Wir wollen echt lutherisch werden!
- Also lesen wir etliche echt lutherischenTheologen, normalerweise Martin Luther.
- Es ist unsere höchste Begierde und herzlichster Wunsch,
- Sie würden dadurch: In rechten Glauben gestärkt werden
- Im Verständnis der reinen biblischen und also echt lutherischen Lehre vermehren Dem lieben Gott für diese grosse und wichtige Erbschaft, die wir von unsern treuen Vätern haben, danken
- Der reinen Lehre während Ihres ganzen Lebens gewidmet werden und im Herzen, Mund, und Leben treu bleiben, auf dass Ihr mit Kind und Kindeskind diesen Schatz für heilig und wertvoll halten und ihn also zu bewahren und teilen streben.
- Um das Ziel dieser Stunde zu erreichen
Latin 1
Latin 1, which is required of all freshmen, the students are given a working knowledge of the language which the Christian Church has used for almost 2000 years for its writings: sermons, commentaries, histories, doctrinal articles, and books. With that knowledge, young men and women will be better prepared and encouraged for the full time ministry in the WELS.
Course Objectives
Successful completion of this course means that the student will:
- acquire a knowledge of the inflection of nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and regular verbs in the active and passive indicative.
- gain a basic knowledge of the grammar and syntax of the Latin language.
- gain a knowledge of about five hundred vocables and expressions in Latin and learn to associate them with English words derived from them.
- gain from his study of Latin a better knowledge of English grammar and a better command of the English language.
- learn to identify, analyze, and translate Latin words in sentences and to produce an English translation which correctly sets forth the meaning of the words and sense of the sentence.
- will learn to think in an organized and orderly way as I work with Latin. will learn about various elements of Roman life and society.
Latin 2
In Latin 2, the students are given a working knowledge of the language which the Christian Church has used for almost 2000 years for its writings: sermons, commentaries, histories, doctrinal articles, and books. With that knowledge, young men and women will be better prepared and encouraged for the full time ministry in the WELS.
Course Objectives
Successful completion of this course means that the student will:
- review the first year Latin forms and grammar.
- add to my knowledge of the inflection of nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and verbs.
- add to my knowledge of the grammar and syntax of the Latin language.
- add to my vocables and expressions learned in Latin 1 and will associate them with English words derived from them.
- gain from his study of Latin a better knowledge of English grammar and a better command of the English language.
- learn to identify, analyze, and translate Latin words in sentences and to produce an English translation which correctly sets forth the meaning of the words and sense of the sentence.
- learn to think in an organized and orderly way as I work with the Latin language. learn about various elements of Roman life and society.
Latin 3
This course covers Latin prose and is designed to aid students in their acquisition of a more advanced exegetical habitus (the first and primary goal) so vitally important for an accurate translation and proper interpretation of the Greek and Hebrew texts of the Holy Scriptures. This course will also continue to train students according to the three principles of the Trivium:
- To expand the capability of the mind to hold voluminous amounts of information
- To analyze and compartmentalize the information in the mind
- To make practical the information contained, compartmentalized and analyzed
Course Objectives
- Student will acquire an increased vocabulary, both Latin and English
- Student will become more proficient in analyzing forms and determining their grammatical relationship in a particular sentence structure
- Student will learn to distinguish in nuanced fashion word meanings
- Student will become more aware of the import of conceptual meanings of words and their proper translation in a particular context
- Student will acquire a more excellent and accurate ability to express oneself orally and in writing
- Student will acquire a more advanced ability to translate various selections into idiomatic English
Latin 4
This course covers Latin poetry, mainly Vergil’s “Aeneid.” It is designed to aid the student in acquiring a more advanced exegetical habitus (the first and primary goal) so vitally important for an accurate translation and proper interpretation of the Greek and Hebrew texts of the Holy Scriptures. This course will continue to train students according to the three principles of the Trivium:
- To expand the capability of the mind to hold voluminous amounts of information
- To analyze and compartmentalize the information in the mind
- To make practical the information contained, compartmentalized and analyzed
Course Objectives
- Student will increase his/her vocabulary via Vergil’s uses and derivative studies
- Student will become more proficient in recognizing forms and determining their grammatical relationship in a contextual setting
- Student will learn to distinguish in nuanced fashion word meanings
- Student will become more aware of the import of the conceptual meanings of words and their proper translation in a particular context
- Student will acquire a more comprehensive and accurate ability to express oneself orally as well as in writing
- Student will acquire a more advanced capability to translate various selections into refined idiomatic English
- Student will gain an appreciation of this great epic through occasional readings and digests of commentaries from books and articles about The Aeneid
- Student will learn much about humanity and false ideas about sin and its consequences
Spanish 1
Spanish 1 is a course designed to give students an introduction to the Spanish language. The students will be immersed in the Spanish language and introduced to Spanish-speaking cultures. Elementary grammar, syntax, and vocabulary will be introduced, with a focus on developing basic listening and speaking skills.
Course Objectives
- To give students a basic understanding and knowledge of the Spanish language.
- To help students use their abilities to spread the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ with those who speak Spanish.
- To instruct students to understand both the Spanish language and the culture.
Spanish 2
Spanish 2 is a course designed to continue study of the Spanish language and Spanish-speaking cultures and literature. The students will be immersed in the Spanish language and introduced to more Spanish-speaking cultures. Grammar, syntax, and vocabulary will be studied through the use of authentic stories and writing. Spanish 2 is a foreign language elective that is open to all students that have passed Spanish 1 achieving a C- or better in Spanish 1.
Course Objectives
- The main objective of this course is to give students a basic understanding and knowledge of the Spanish language and culture. The ultimate goal is that some of you may be able to use your abilities to spread the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ with those who speak Spanish. In order to do that you must understand both the Spanish language and the culture.
- The student will:
- Learn a variety of vocabulary words to use in practical, real-life situations.
- Communicate orally and in writing using the Spanish language.
- Develop an understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures.
- Become familiar with authors and stories of Spanish/Mexican/South American origin.
Spanish 3
Spanish 3 is a course designed to continue study of the Spanish language and Spanish-speaking cultures and literature. The students will be immersed in the Spanish language and introduced to more Spanish-speaking cultures. Grammar, syntax, and vocabulary will be studied through the use of authentic stories and writing. Spanish 3 is a foreign language elective that is open to all students that have passed Spanish 1 and 2.
Course Objectives - The student will:
- Learn a variety of vocabulary words to use in practical, real-life situations.
- Communicate orally and in writing using the Spanish language.
- Develop an understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures.
- Become familiar with authors and stories of Spanish/Mexican/South American origin.
Spanish 4
Spanish 4 is a course designed to continue study of the Spanish language and Spanish-speaking cultures and literature. The students will be immersed in the Spanish language and introduced to more Spanish-speaking cultures. Grammar, syntax, and vocabulary will be studied through the use of authentic stories and writing. Spanish 4 is a foreign language elective that is open to all students that have passed Spanish I and II achieving a B+ or better in Spanish 2.
Course Objectives
- The main objective of this course is to give students a basic understanding and knowledge of the Spanish language and culture.
- The ultimate goal is that some may be able to use their abilities to spread the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ with those who speak Spanish. In order to do that one must understand both the Spanish language and the culture.
The student will:
- Learn a variety of vocabulary words to use in practical, real-life situations.
- Communicate orally and in writing using the Spanish language.
- Develop an understanding of Spanish-speaking cultures.
- Become familiar with authors and stories of Spanish/Mexican/South American origin.